Advance Your Electrical Commissioning and Startup knowledge


Without feeling overwhelmed, unqualified, or struggling with what to do next

If you’re a Project Manager, Technician, or Engineer looking to deliver your electrical project on-time and on-budget while keeping up with the daily site issues, then you already know that you need to start with the end in mind and properly plan and execute the commissioning phase of your project.

After all, you already know that a project's success is based on being delivered on-time and on-budget.

You've probably also heard that poor planning and execution of commissioning can cause major delays and huge cost overruns.

You know that you need to start with the end in mind to properly plan and execute all stages of your project, which requires a focus on the commissioning phase of your project.



Even if you're lucky enough to have already been involved with commissioning, learning the complete commissioning process can:

  • Instantly Raise Your Authority On Site

    Others will look to you for guidance and direction and you can lead the team through the commissioning phase of your project.
  • Command Higher Salary/Rates

    As a commissioning leader, you will be able to take on bigger commissioning roles with higher salary/rates.
  • Become a Trusted Expert

    After demonstrating that you can complete a project on-time and on-budget, you will be relied upon to execute even bigger commissioning challenges.
  • Worldwide Opportunity

    Projects exist all over the world and all require commissioning.  As a commissioning expert with proven experience, you will be able to work on amazing opportunities at many exotic locations.

Even though the reasons to pursue commissioning are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but




Perhaps you have been involved in commissioning of past projects.

Perhaps you have seen commissioning go well, or you have seen a complete disaster with no organization and poorly commissioned systems that don't really work handed over to the owner.

And you spend each day trying to make sense of what is going on during your project, knowing that there has to be a better way.

But it is nearly impossible to recover the commissioning phase if it is has not been properly planned for and set up for success early in the project.

WIthout a super clear step-by-step commissioning process, most projects fall behind schedule with irreversible delays that cannot be recovered.  A lack of clarity on how to execute the commissioning process successfully leaves the project team lost on how to recover.


And here is why this is irreversibly crippling:

As the project pace is already full speed ahead, you literally cannot afford to veer off-course during the commissioning phase of your project.  And the moment you get lost during commissioning, it's almost impossible to recover.  Therefore, having a detailed plan in advance of commissioning is something you need to get right the first time.


Not all projects plan and execute commissioning correctly.  That is why you hear of so many projects that are delayed or over-budget.

Which means there is a golden opportunity for you to learn the electrical commissioning and startup process and jump in to deliver your projects on-time and on-budget.  That is if you can avoid the same risky commissioning mistakes that other projects are making.



Reason #1

Lack of Planning (or worse, having no plan at all)

There are MANY moving parts during commissioning and potential failure points along the way.  Each part of the project needs to be properly planned for and this should be done early in the project.

  • How to manage the mountain of documents and data?
  • How should your project be systematized?
  • How should commissioning be sequenced?
  • Who should be on the commissioning team?
  • What tools are required?

These are just some of the MANY questions you'll have to answer along the way.

Many projects approach commissioning as an after-thought, something that needs to be done at the end of the project to make it work.  But the thing is, commissioning can be complex and all parts need to be properly planned to be successful.  A smooth execution of commissioning is immensely valuable to the project and owner that when done right can earn you the authority as a commissioning expert.

Time to respect the commissioning phase for what it is - the successful completion of the project on-time and on-budget.

Reason #2

No Defined Construction Handover Milestones


Each handover from the construction team to the commissioning team are critical milestones of the project.  If not properly planned for and sequenced correctly, the commissioning team will not be set up for success.

  • What is the sequence that construction activities must be complete in order align with commissioning activities?
  • What inspections must take place to confirm the quality of the equipment?
  • When should mechanical completion take place - before or after pre-commissioning?
  • What document deliverables are required at handover?
  • What is the construction team's role during commissioning?

Each one of these questions and more must be addressed in order to achieve a successful handover from the construction team to the commissioning team.

Without a clear definition of construction handover milestones and a clear understanding of the handover requirements, the commissioning team will not be set up for the best chance of success to complete the project.

Reason #3

Commissioning Team Involved Too Late

If you start your project with the end in mind, you will have a better chance of completing the project on-time and on-budget.  That is the main reason to involve the commissioning team early in the project.

The commissioning team can provide input to the design and construction groups to help align activities with the commissioning phase.

There are benefits to the project by developing the commissioning sequence early in the project:

  • The design team can prepare design packages by system to align with how the project commissioning is planned.
  • The construction team can manage priorities to meet the system test requirements.
  • Operational aspects of how the equipment will be tested can be incorporated into the deign to save time later in the project.

These are some of the benefits of having the commissioning team involved early in the project.

If the project is started with the end in mind, it can be structured for success right at the beginning before a shovel is even placed in the ground.

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Even though projects are commissioned all over the world, they are not always successful.

A few projects will be completed on-time and on-budget, but many will incur delays and cost overruns.

And the main reason for this, as you've likely seen by now, is that it is easy to say that commissioning needs to be done successfully......

..... but the barriers towards ACTUAL SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION of commissioning are fairly high.

But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most would-be commissioning teams, the path is paved for you and your commissioning project.

One that allows you to instantly raise your authority on-site, become the trusted commissioning expert, command higher salary/rates, and open opportunities for new and exciting projects.

The key ingredient to all of this is understanding the step-by-step commissioning and startup process.


And with your permission, that's what I'd love to show you how to plan and execute.


Electrical Commissioning

Step by Step Training Program

With Paul Turner, P. Eng, PMP

The Complete Step-by-Step Process to Plan and Execute Electrical Commissioning and Startup of your Project

I've taken everything I've learned from my last 20+ years of experience managing commissioning of complex systems and multi-billion dollar projects and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high levels concepts, but also the actual EXECUTION of how you can do the same.

The Electrical Commissioning Training Program isn't so much a training program as it is an implementation program.

Yes, you'll learn the strategies behind everything you do, but more importantly, you'll have a meticulous step-by-step process to plan all aspects of your commissioning project that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.

The end result: An incredible feeling of being prepared in advance of your next commissioning challenge.


The Electrical Commissioning  Training Program is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. Is built with successful planning and execution in mind.

No filler.  No unnecessary information - everything you need to properly plan and execute your electrical commissioning project.

2. Teaches you the electrical commissioning process.

With limited commissioning resources online, this course teaches you the structured sequence to plan and execute commissioning.

3. Focus on the details

In commissioning, the smallest details matter.  With over 80 detailed checklists provided in the course, you have detailed examples to get you started with your electrical commissioning project.

So if you’re ready to finally learn the electrical commissioning and startup process while avoiding the on-site craziness

Here's how we'll help you get there:

Part 1

Electrical Commissioning Team Roles & Responsibilities

Having the right people with the right skillsets on your electrical commissioning team is critical to your success.


Without the right team, you will be overwhelmed and not able to address the complex problems presented during the commissioning process.

  • Determine who should lead the team
  • Evaluate what knowledge versus experience is required
  • Define who has decision making authority
  • Assign who operates the equipment
  • Establish the reporting structure
  • Request the support required from other groups
Part 2

What Documentation Do You Need To Plan For Commissioning

The right information at the right time is critical for commissioning.


There are several key documents required by the commissioning team.

  • How are the red-line and as-built drawing packages used by the commissioning team
  • How does the commissioning team get access to vendor manuals and O&M manuals and what are they used for
  • How is the contract used during commissioning
  • What documents are required to write plans, procedures, and checklists
Part 3

What Documents Need To Be Created

Documents need to be created in advance of commissioning to be fully prepared for success.


What are the critical documents to create in advance and how are they used.

  • What is the project commissioning plan and how is the commissioning sequence developed
  • What are commissioning procedures and how are they used
  • What safety documentation is required - PSSR, SOP, SWP, etc
  • How to prepare all documentation in advance of commissioning
Part 4

Determination of Subsystem/System Grouping

Equipment is grouped together to form subsystems and systems, but how is this determined.


With hundreds or thousands of pieces of equipment on a project, how is the project systematized:

  • What makes up a subsystem or systems
  • Where is this information captured
  • What is the relation to Mechanical Completion
  • How are prerequisites communicated to the construction team
Part 5

Commissioning Sequence/Schedule

The commissioning sequence requires that subsystems and systems are installed and commissioned in a certain order.  How is this order determined, and how are installation activities aligned with the commissioning sequence


How is the commissioning sequence and schedule determined:

  • What is the priority of subsystems and systems
  • How are durations of activities determined
  • How are activities logically linked to one another as prerequisites
  • How is an integrated construction and commissioning schedule developed
Part 6


Meetings are a critical method of communication during commissioning, as information moves fast, and verbal discussions are often the quickest method to update the team.


What meetings are required, when are they required, and how are meetings optimized to ensure the team can focus on commissioning

  • How are kick-off meetings conducted
  • What is a PSSR, and how does it apply to safety and startup of new equipment
  • What meetings are required daily and/or weekly
  • What are the agendas for each meeting, who conducts each, who is involved, and what are the desired outcomes
Part 7

Important Safety Aspects To Consider

Commissioning can be complex and dangerous, and you need to ensure the work is completed safely.


The commissioning team plays a large role in safety at site.

  • What safety measures are taken in advance of starting equipment for the first time
  • What is the PSSR walkthrough and how is it conducted
  • How to be prepared should a safety incident occur
Part 8

Deficiency Identification and Classification

When deficiencies are discovered during commissioning, how are they categorized and tracked, and what is the process to address each one


A strong deficiency tracking process needs to be established early in the project

  • Type-A, Type-B, Type-C categorizations
  • How is the deficiency tracking log used
  • How are priorities determined
  • When are deficiencies addressed
Part 9

Commissioning Resources

Specialized tools, materials, and test equipment are often required for commissioning.


What resources are required and how are they planned for

  • What initial first fill materials are required for startup
  • What specialized tooling is required for commissioning
  • What specialized test equipment is required for commissioning
  • What is the leadtime for resources and who is responsible to purchase them
Part 10

Factory Acceptance Testing

The commissioning process starts during the design and procurement phase of the project.  Before equipment leaves the factory, there are tests to complete to identify any issues before being shipped to site.


With a proper focus on Factory Acceptance Testing, issues can be resolved before equipment arrives at site where it is quicker and cheaper to address issues in the manufacturer's factory.

  • What documentation is required
  • What factory tests need to be completed
  • How are factory tests verified - on-site witness versus paper audit.
Part 11

Mechanical Completion And Handover From Construction to Commissioning

Mechanical Completion is a critical milestone to define for each system.  If not planned correctly, this handover process can lead to confusion and delays.


Mechanical Completion is the first stage of on-site commissioning.

  • How are mechanical commissioning milestones established
  • What documentation is required along with each subsystem
  • What are the impacts to the project commissioning plan if mechanical completion milestones are delayed
Part 12

How To Plan And Execute Electrical Pre-Commissioning

Pre-Commissioning must be done thoroughly in order to avoid costly delays during critical path commissioning and startup activities.


Electrical pre-commissioning ensures that instruments, power and data cables, cubicles, etc are ready for further commissioning

  • How are cables checked, and who is responsible
  • What are loop checks, hi-pot tests, comms checks
  • How is electrical pre-commissioning related to mechanical completion
Part 13

Electrical Commissioning

Critical path commissioning activities must be planned for in advance, while plans must be flexible enough to accomodate any issues that are encountered during testing.


Electrical commissioning can be accomplished in many ways and must be planned specifically for your project.

  • What is cold and hot commissioning and when to do each
  • What electrical functional versus dynamic versus performance tests need to be completed during commissioning
  • What happens when something unexpected happens during commissioning
Part 14

Commissioning Troubleshooting

You will encountered issues when commissioning, it is a normal part of testing.


What do you do when issues are encountered

  • How are issues troubleshooted
  • What are the formal troubleshooting methods to document the process
  • When is a formal troubleshooting method required
  • How are issues during commissioning communicated to others
Part 15

Electrical Startup and Performance Testing

Electrical startup must take place sequentially as new components are added to the system and started for the first time.


Electrical startup is the first time that the plant operates for its intended purpose, and must be sequenced methodically to avoid potential issues.

  • How are the systems started and in what order
  • When are HV busses energized for the first time
  • How are the systems monitored when being started for the first time
Part 16

Electrical Commissioning Deliverables

Once commissioning is complete, it is important to give the owner confidence in the new systems and set them up for the best chance of success for continued operation and maintenance of the new systems.


The commissioning team plays an important role in handover to the operations team.

  • What does the operations team need to be successful during continued operation and maintenance of the new systems
  • How are the systems handed over to the owner and what documentation is required
  • What is the commissioning team's role after handover to the owner
Part 17


Warranty is an important phase of the project once it is placed in-service.


The warranty phase of the project needs to be planned for in advance.

  • What is the commissioning team's role during the warranty phase
  • How are warranty issued identified and rectified
  • What are performance guarantees and how are they monitored
Electrical Lessons

Over 90 Electrical Checklists and Procedures

The details of commissioning and startup are captured in the checklists and procedures that you prepare specifically for each piece of equipment.  There is lots of documentation to prepare, and I give you a headstart by providing over 90 templates to use to create your own electrical checklists and procedures specific to your systems.


Some of the electrical systems included in the course are

  • AC Gas Insulated Switchgear
  • Electrical Power Distribution
  • Hydraulic Turbine & Generator
  • Wind Turbine & Generator
  • Gas Turbine & Generator
  • Emergency Lighting & Control
  • Plus more as new electrical systems are added to make the course even better

Watch the Course Preview

30-Day No Hassle Money Back Guarantee

The Electrical Commissioning Step by Step Training Program is the most comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program for Project Managers, Technicians, or Engineers who are looking to deliver their commissioning project on-time and on-budget.

When you enroll, you will receive lifetime access to all parts of the training and all electrical lessons, even new lessons as they are added.

If you don't feel totally confident and excited to tackle your next commissioning challenge, simply email [email protected] within 30 days of enrolling and we'll refund you for the course.

Course Certificate

Download your course certificate after completing the course assessment.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Electrical Commissioning: Step by Step Training Program - $297 Value

  • Bonus 1 - 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - $97 Value
  • Bonus 2 - Private Members Only Facebook Group - $97 Value
  • Bonus 3 - 9 CSU Critical Success Factors - $97 Value

Total Value: $588

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $588

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for the Electrical Commissioning Step by Step Training Program

Everyone needs to start somewhere.  If you are technically inclined and can understand design and construction drawings, you will be able to learn the commissioning and startup process.  You don't need to be the equipment expert to be part of commissioning, you can have others on your team that are the equipment experts.  You just need to be organized and a great communicator to be successful at commissioning.

The electrical commissioning process is the same for all projects, no matter how large or small.  In fact, all projects would benefit from having this same universal process applied to them.  The complexities of each specific system can be accommodated within the same electrical commissioning framework.

Not at all.  I fact, some of the best commissioning team members I have worked with in the past have not been Engineers.  As long as you are technically inclined and a great communicator, you can be successful as commissioning.

Having the fundamental understanding of the commissioning process will accelerate your on-site learning immensely.  Take advantage of my 20+ years of on-site experience and condense that into a few short weeks of learning.  This condensed knowledge will give you a clear advantage when you show up at site to continue developing your commissioning skills.

I have 20+ years of experience with commissioning complex systems.  Take advantage of my 20+ years of on-site commissioning experience to significantly accelerate your continued on-site learning opportunities.

If after 30 days from enrolling in the course you do not think the information will help you in your commissioning career, send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Electrical Commissioning: Step by Step Training Program - $297 Value

  • Bonus 1 - 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - $97 Value
  • Bonus 2 - Private Members Only Facebook Group - $97 Value
  • Bonus 3 - 9 CSU Critical Success Factors - $97 Value

Total Value: $588

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $588

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment of



The Electrical Commissioning Step by Step Training Program is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You have an electrical commissioning project to start and want to do it right
  2. You are in the middle of a struggling electrical commissioning project and want to fix it once and for all
  3. You have experience with other areas of commissioning and want to learn the electrical commissioning process as well
  4. You want to be the respected on-site commissioning authority
  5. You are already investing in learning the electrical commissioning process and want to accelerate your learning
  6. You don't understand the commissioning discussion on-site and want a better understanding of the process to be able to participate in the on-site discussions.
  7. You are excited to take your career in a new direction and open up new opportunities.
  8. You want to take advantage of my 20+ years of experience to accelerate your career.
  9. You are ready to take action to advance your commissioning and startup skills.

If you said “yes” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside the Electrical Commissioning Step by Step Training Program.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

The Electrical Commissioning: Step by Step Training Program - $297 Value

  • Bonus 1 - 5 Dysfunctions of a Team - $97 Value
  • Bonus 2 - Private Members Only Facebook Group - $97 Value
  • Bonus 3 - 9 CSU Critical Success Factors - $97 Value

Total Value: $588

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $588

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Payment Monthly

3 Monthly Payments of




Payment Upfront

1 Payment of



50% Complete

Two Step

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